In the scripture, the apostle John is trying to explain that they were actually with Jesus and witnessed his miracles and were taught by Him so that they could continue His work after He returned to the Father. The same still holds true for us today. We are to share Christ with anyone and everyone. We should be looking for opportunities to open up the communication about Christ and what He has done for us. 

   Sometimes you come across people who seem jealous of you or they seem to avoid you.  It isn't always because of your attitude or that you portray yourself as better than them. They just don't understand the joy that can be found in following God and being blessed for that.  It's our job to show others how God has blessed us and I don't just mean monetarily or with material possessions. God blesses me every day that I wake up. 

   We recently moved to our forever home in Coffee Springs, AL. That was truly God's plan not necessarily ours. We never heard of the place until we knew we were being told to move on, and then everything fell into place in 2023 and now we have moved into our new home. God continues to lead us there. I have a new part time job working in a grocery store but it gives me lots of opportunities to meet the local people and I have been blessed to be able to help some with minor issues and pray with many for healing and peace. 

   Eventually God will show us where our next ministry opportunity will be but until He lights the way, I will continue to try and be the "Hope" someone finds each day by sharing what He has done for me. 

Val Pilcher